Workshop - Vision Zero and Road Safety Principle and Concept
ورشة عمل – الرؤية الصفرية ومبادئ ومفاهيم السلامة على الطرق

The Zero Vision Program aims to get stakeholders to adhere to the approaches to Zero Vision, (Zero deaths from road accidents) which includes “Safe System”, philosophy and paradigm shift from the vision and order, In addition to how to apply it in daily work in terms of clarifications or discussions and raising the level of awareness around.
يهدف برنامج الرؤية الصفرية إلى جعل أصحاب المصلحة يتقيدون بالمناهج والمداخل إلى الرؤية الصفرية (صفر وفيات من حوادث الطرق) والتي تشمل "النظام الآمن" والفلسفة والنقلة النوعية من وراء الرؤية والنظام بالإضافة إلى كيفية تطبيقها في الأعمال اليومية من حيث الإيضاحات أو النقاشات ورفع مستوى الوعي حولها.

WS- Vision Zero and Road Safety Principles and Concept- Day 1

بتاريخ 15/Sep/2021

The Zero Vision Program aims to get stakeholders to adhere to the approaches to Zero Vision, (Zero deaths from road accidents) which includes “Safe System”, philosophy and paradigm shift from the vision and order, In addition to how to apply it in daily work in terms of clarifications or discussions and raising the level of awareness around.

WS- Vision Zero and Road Safety Principles and Concept- Day 2

بتاريخ 16/Sep/2021

The Zero Vision Program aims to get stakeholders to adhere to the approaches to Zero Vision, (Zero deaths from road accidents) which includes “Safe System”, philosophy and paradigm shift from the vision and order, In addition to how to apply it in daily work in terms of clarifications or discussions and raising the level of awareness around.


Dr.Strandroth was until recently a senior road safety adviser with the Swedish Transport Administration. Methodologies developed in his research are the foundation of the analytical framework and target management system for Sweden’s Vision Zero road safety strategy Internationally, Johan has taught and advised many countries and jurisdictions around the world in Vision Zero, the Safe System approach, road safety target management and strategy development, including his home country of Sweden and other European countries, the US, the Middle East, Central Asia, New Zealand, and Australia Johan has been part in setting up the Vision Zero Academy within the Sweden Government and has provided training in Vision Zero principles for more than 15 years. In recent years through his own consultancy specializing in Vision Zero capacity building.

إغلاق التسجيل 16/Feb/2022
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