Workshop - Intelligent Transportation Systems in Road Safety
ورشة عمل – أنظمة النقل الذكي في السلامة المرورية

The overall objective of the workshop is to familiarize the attendees with ITS-based strategies and tools available to improve road safety.
الهدف العام من ورشة العمل هو تعريف الحضور بالاستراتيجيات والأدوات القائمة على أنظمة النقل الذكية المتاحة لتحسين السلامة على الطرق.

WS- ITS in Road Safety- Day 1

بتاريخ 29/Dec/2021

The overall objective of the workshop is to familiarize the attendees with ITS-based strategies and tools
available to improve road safety.

WS- ITS in Road Safety- Day 2

بتاريخ 30/Dec/2021

The overall objective of the workshop is to familiarize the attendees with ITS-based strategies and tools available to improve road safety.


Dr. Ibrahim Alsghan was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1987. He received the B.Sc. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in 2010 and 2013 respectively, and Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 2018. Dr. Ibrahim Alsghan is currently an Assistant Professor of transportation engineering with the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, KFUPM. His research interests include traffic safety, traffic operations, Human factors, Automated vehicles, and machine learning.

إغلاق التسجيل 30/Dec/2021
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