Training Course- Statistical Methods in processing and analysis of Road Safety Data
دورة – بيانات السلامة وكيفية إعدادها وتحلي

The overall objective of the training is to familiarize the attendees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analysis and interpretation.
الهدف العام من الدورة هو تعريف المتدربين بالمعارف الخاصة بجمع وإعداد بيانات السلامة على الطرق، والوسائل المتاحة لتحليل حوادث الطرق وتفسيرها.

Statistical Methods- Day 1

بتاريخ 16/Jan/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarise the attnedees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analaysis and interpretation.

Statistical Methods- Day 2

بتاريخ 17/Jan/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarise the attnedees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analaysis and interpretation.

Statistical Methods- Day 3

بتاريخ 18/Jan/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarise the attnedees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analaysis and interpretation.

Statistical Methods- Day 4

بتاريخ 19/Jan/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarise the attnedees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analaysis and interpretation.

Statistical Methods- Day 5

بتاريخ 20/Jan/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarise the attnedees with the knowledge for collection and preparation of road safety data and the methods for crash analaysis and interpretation.


Assistant professor in Traffic and Transportation Engineering in Civil Engineering at KSU, Advisor to the NRSC on the Road Safety Professional training. Dr. Khaled F. Alkahtani brings career-long interest and expertise in road safety theory and practice to the NRSC’s training efforts. In his work as an assistant professor in civil engineering at KSU, Dr. Alkahtani is involved in many programs and projects related to traffic safety and is active in many professional and social affiliations in accidents analysis prevention and transportation and related research, including publication in the Transportation Research Board’s Transportation Research Record.

إغلاق التسجيل 20/Jan/2022
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