Workshop - Strategic Enforcement of Traffic Laws
ورشة عمل – الإنفاذ الاستراتيجي لقوانين المرور

The overall objective of the training is to familiarize the attendees with the knowledge of strategic and operational enforcement of traffic laws and its rols in improving of human behavior in road safety.
الهدف العام من الورشة هو تعريف الحضور بمعرفة الإنفاذ الاستراتيجي والتشغيلي لقوانين المرور وأدوارها في تحسين السلوك البشري في السلامة على الطرق.

Strategic Enforcement of Traffic Laws- Day 1

بتاريخ 29/May/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarize the attendees with the knowledge of strategic and operational enforcement of traffic laws and its rols in improving of human behavior in road safety.

Strategic Enforcement of Traffic Laws- Day 2

بتاريخ 30/May/2022

The overall objective of the training is to familiarize the attendees with the knowledge of strategic and operational enforcement of traffic laws and its rols in improving of human behavior in road safety.


Dr Ray Shuey AM., APM, is a specialist in international road safety with 41 years’ experience in policing including 14 years in the senior executive positions of Assistant Commissioner and acting Deputy Commissioner for Victoria Police, Australia. He was the head of police road safety traffic management, administration, and enforcement. Since completing service in 2003, he has presented workshops and training programs to police and road safety professionals in over 20 countries. His many publications include “Crash Investigation,” “Speed Management,” “Intelligent Enforcement,” “Effective Law Enforcement Strategies,” “Helmet Wearing,” “Drink Driving,” “Data Systems Management,” “Benchmarking International Road Policing in Low and Middle-Income Countries,” and “International Road Policing Assessment Program (IRPAP).” He is the founder and director of Strategic Safety Solutions, the international. advisor to CamSafe, Cambodia Safety Solutions and President of the International Safety Foundation Inc, a Not-for-Profit Charity.

إغلاق التسجيل 30/May/2022
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