Road Safety Professional-RSP1-SA

The training programs for road safety professional exam (Level 1), RSP1-SA consist of five modules which are:

Module 1: Fundamentals of Road Safety.

Module 2: Human behavior and Road Safety.

Module 3: Data and Its Role in Measuring Road Safety.

Module 4: Solving Road Safety Problems.

Module 5: Road Safety Strategic Plans and Programs.

Module 1

This course is designed to provide comprehensive insights into essential protocols and practices aimed at ensuring safety on our roads. Throughout the modules, we will delve into key aspects such as traffic regulations, emergency response procedures, and strategies for minimizing risks. Join us on this educational journey to foster a safer and more responsible approach to road usage."

Module 2

The training programs for road safety professional exam (level 1) is designed to build competencies that cover the knowledge and skills required for road safety professional from different fields and disciplines.

There is a noticeable development in safety of vehicles and road design yet, behavior of the driver still a major challenge. Therefore, this course presents the knowledge of the influence of human behavior on road safety and the scientific methods to reduce human behavior errors.

Module 3

The training programs for road safety professional exam (level 1) is designed to build competencies that cover the knowledge and skills required for road safety professional from different fields and disciplines.

This training course explains how to obtain required safety data and its nature. It also illustrates the importance of having as complete and accurate as possible data in order to reach a better result of the analysis for potential countermeasures.

Module 4

The training programs for road safety professional exam (level 1) is designed to build competencies that cover the knowledge and skills required for road safety professional from different fields and disciplines.

This program gives an introduction to road safety problems and the methodologies that have been used to address them. Also, the program covers the most appropriate and effective treatments of road safety deficiencies.



Module 5

The training programs for road safety professional exam (level 1) is designed to build competencies that cover the knowledge and skills required for road safety professional from different fields and disciplines.

This course reviews best practices worldwide that have contributed to improving road safety and discusses the opportunities of developing a national strategic plan for road safety to meet the local conditions.

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